
The analysis of the common challenges which limit the usage of the developed robotic systems in real applications it is the focus of this workshop. The aim is to bring together researchers from different areas focusing on the use of robots for improving the quality of humans’ lives in order to underline and seek solutions to open problems which are limiting the integration of those technologies in our lives.

Topics of interest

  • Search and rescue robotics
  • Assistive and service robotics
  • Cognitive robotics
  • Human-robot coexistence
  • Collaborative and semi-autonomous control

Invited Speakers

Prof. Robin Murphy Texas A&M University Disaster Robotics CONFIRMED
Prof. Mark Yim University of Pennsylvania Humanitarian Modular Robots CONFIRMED
Prof. Giorgio Metta Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia Cognitive Robotics CONFIRMED
Prof. Fabio Bonsignorio Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna R-Papers: Scientific Reproducibility CONFIRMED
Prof. Sarah Cosentino Waseda University Social and assistive Robotics CONFIRMED
Mr. Francesco Ferro PAL Robotics Humanoid Robot in real world CONFIRMED

Intended audience

The workshop will analyse collaborative approaches, based on semiautonomous control, as a possible solution for bringing robotic systems in real life scenarios. Therefore, the target audience will include researchers which are working in different robotics fields, i.e. rescue, service, search, cognitive, assistive robotics and control. Moreover, the workshop will be appealing for people who want to discover how robotics technologies can improve the quality of human’s lives. Furthermore, it could be useful for early-stage researchers which can explore different research areas and find possible research directions.

Relationship to the conference proper

IROS 2018 is under the motto of “Towards a Robotic Society”, hence, a society in which robot and humans coexist and work together. The multidisciplinaty nature of this workshop, which is the main future of this workshop, will allow researchers from different areas to find solutions to common problems which prevent the realisation of this society.