Methods for Objective Comparison of Results in Intelligent Robotics Research

Sunday, October 1st 2023


Welcome to the cutting-edge intersection of Robotics, AI, and Automation Research where reproducibility and objective comparison of methods are steadily becoming the norm, rather than the exception. Thanks to the groundbreaking reproducible-article process introduced by the IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, it's now possible not only to publish reproducible research but also to measure and compare the performances of various methods in a way that's unbiased and operational.
Our interactive and engaging workshop aims to equip you with the essential knowledge required to conduct and report reproducible research, while also helping you effectively compare performance data. This initiative takes you a step further in enhancing the quality and credibility of scientific studies in these rapidly advancing fields.
In this workshop, we will delve into:
Benchmarking Methods: Understand the importance of statistical significance of results and explore different approaches to randomized experimental studies.
Classifying Robotic Systems: Learn about the ontologies for classifying intelligent and autonomous robotic systems, an integral part of progressing research in this area.
Reproducible Robotics Techniques: Even if you're new to the concept of reproducible research methods, our workshop will provide you with the fundamental understanding of techniques required to reproduce robotic research, ensuring everyone benefits from the workshop.

We look forward to welcoming all researchers, novices and experts alike, in our collaborative journey towards mainstreaming reproducible research and the objective comparison of different methods in Robotics, AI, and Automation Research.